The Single Most Accurate (and Motivating) Quote about Writing

Dark Matter, Your Future Self, and Finding the Motivation to Write Without an Audience, Advance, or Deadline.

Travis W. King


A few weeks back I was taking my pup, Rue Billy, on our daily sunset jog. That evening I happened to be listening to a Podcast that I was just turned on to by a friend. This new favorite podcast of mine is called Ologies with Alie Ward, and it breaks down different fields of science, or different “ologies” if you will.

The episode I was listening to felt incredibly kismet because it was all about “dark matter.” At that time, I was watching a show (Dark, on Netflix) and also reading a book (Dark Matter by Blake Crouch) which each centered around the ideas of dark matter and the multiverse. This episode of Ologies was called—Scotohylology (DARK MATTER) with Dr. Flip Tanedo.

Rue getting dried off after one of our sunset beach jogs. Good gurl.

Flip apparently grew up with aspirations to be a writer, well before becoming one of the world's foremost experts on dark matter (which isn’t actually dark if you were wondering).

As they spoke about his origin story and original dream of becoming a famous author, Alie—the genuinely brilliant host that she is—offered up this quote about writing as a way to normalize Flip’s dragging feet.



Travis W. King

Traveling, writing, & working abroad for 10 years. Former Remote Year Dir. of Community. Check out my travel memoir—Not That Anyone Asked—at