I get that this "works" but do you really think it's best for the platform... so many top writers keep giving this advice, but doesn't the "publish every day... or twice a day" advice make the overall quality of content on Medium worse. Shouldn't we be encouraging people to only publish what they're really proud of. These things live forever and have our names on them.
I publish researched (usually), rigorously edited, thoughtful articles once a week... and I only finish my very best article ideas. I wish more folks would just do that. Not trying to yuck your yum, but I just keep seeing this advice and I really don't think it's good for Medium overall. I want to read your best work—to absorb your best ideas—not to sift through multiple un-edited publications every day in hopes that somethign is worth reading. I get that this advice is around making $... but truly, do you thnik it's good for the platform overall?