Consider limiting publications to once or twice weekly. Nobody can write something worth reading that's thoughtful, researched, and well-edited more than a few times a week, and for the past few years, it seems Medium has really chosen to reward VOLUME. It's people just dumping garbage into the ecosystem and spinning the algorithm's wheel in the hope it lands on "medium likes this one" ... and then they'll make a few bucks.
I used to publish weekly, but now it's more like once or twice a month, and I think all of my articles are pretty damn good. I can't see any correlation between quality and success on Medium in terms of my own writing... it feels entirely random, which is why people just keep publishing average or AI-generated words and spinning the wheel in hopes that it hits.
Back in 2021/2022 when humans who worked for Medium "boosted" articles they liked, that was the best version of the platform.